Welcome to the first blog post for the newly renovated info site of Event Horizon & Services!
I, Brandon, owner of Event Horizon & Services, recently set forth on a new mission: It is time to give back by sharing my vast repertoire of knowledge to help others on their journey of learning about cables, sound, lighting, and general “tech stuff.”
Over the coming weeks, months, and years, I plan to post informative, entertaining, and helpful posts and video tutorials on these topics.
The first video is in the works, so hopefully, I can have it posted shortly after the new year. The upcoming topics include info on connectors, wires, DMX cables, how not to destroy your cables, and many more.
So, in case you have read this far and have no idea who we are, let me tell you a little about Event Horizon & Services (EHS). At EHS, we specialize in custom audio wiring. We strive for absolute quality in our products, and we believe in the highest customer support. We are a very small company with a big heart. We try hard to provide the best value for all our products because we know most people aren’t made of money and don’t want to spend a fortune on cables, which happen to be the most important part of your system.
Most of the time, when you call EHS, you will reach me, the owner. I am an expert at what I do because I have worked in the industry, solving a variety of problems, and am still out running shows and working in the real world.
Now, allow me to tell you a little bit about myself. Ever since I could crawl, I have had an interest in electronics and wiring. I remember my grandpa giving me junk electronics to play with and dismantle. I had a subscription to Popular Electronics at a very young age, and I just loved everything tech. Add to that a great love of music, and the path was set; I just didn’t know it yet.
Along came the end of my freshman year of high school; I was 16 and had never thought about sound and lighting. My brother was a drummer, and he and some friends formed a small band and were going to play at the talent show. They had no one to run sound, so they turned to the only logical (or perhaps illogical, at the time) solution—the little brother that had never done it.
Now, I don’t remember the show that much, but I do recall setting up the mixer just left of the stage, in probably the worst spot ever. Considering none of us knew anything about it then, it would probably be quite a sight now if someone had caught it on video. So that first attempt might have been something of a mess, but that was the beginning of my love for all sound and lighting “tech stuff.”
I had the fortune of going to a very small school with an amazing music department (with a bunch of crap gear). As a student, I ran the tech department at the school. I lived tech. Most of my time I spent in the auditorium; when I wasn’t there, I was in a large band room closet full of sound equipment that came to be known as “Brandon’s Room.” (Yes, there was actually a sign up naming it “Brandon’s Room.” I was quite proud of this.) By my senior year, most teachers gave up and just let me do my work when needed. I even recall getting called out of class to help the library staff with “tech stuff,” much to the dismay of many of my fellow classmates.
This was the dream environment for someone aspiring to do what I do now. It was on-the-job training. We didn’t have much, and what we had was very old, so I had to improvise and invent; I had to think smart and make the most of what was available. We had to scratch, beg, and borrow to do some shows. I recall my senior musical when we ended up with three borrowed lighting controllers. Fun times. . . fun times. . .
Well, now that my reminiscing is done, I can speed along to more current stuff. I soon graduated and headed to Full Sail for proper education in recording arts. I then moved to Nashville, where I worked in a studio, and during a remodel of one of the rooms, my wiring skills got noticed, and I was sent over to work with a partner company that did studio wiring. There, I wired many studios and took a lead role in the design and layout, so much so that I decided it was time to do it on my own. And that, my friends, is how on March 1st, 2002, Event Horizon & Services was born!
Now, you may be asking how Event Horizon & Services got its name? Well, my new wife has a history of wedding and event planning, so the business was going to be her doing events and me doing studio wiring. Thus, “Event Horizon”—we do broad, wide, extensive, unlimited events; “& Services”—we do other stuff, too.
So, we got the business going, and we realized there is this nifty new thing called the “internet” that was becoming very popular, and we needed a “website.” So I made a website, and I found this cool feature available on my server, “online sales,” and thought, well, that might be neat. So I started putting it together and adding cables and features and more and more, so now we have the best custom cable website in the world! (We hope you agree, and. . . if you do. . . please spread the word.)
Thank you for taking the time to read this! Please remember to like and share this. All new posts will go on Facebook and Twitter, so follow us there to stay updated.